» Welcome. I hope you all enjoy my labours and find something to grab your interest.
So, what's it all about then ?
simple really; I have been using the internet since the days when
bulletin boards and 14k modems were the in thing. I have watched it
grow and marvelled in its glory. only someone of my age could
understand how the internet has changed what we can do. Any older and
your intimidated, any younger and its always been there. During my time
with the internet I have become interested in how web sites work. So
this is my opportunity to couple my hobbies and interests together in
one place whilst indulging myself in a spot of web site building. Sad I
know but that’s life
Where We Started
Both Wendy and I grew up in South Yorkshire. I grew up within a motorcycle brotherhood
where cars and bikes were our passion and lifes.
Where We Are
Wendy and I have lived in Essex since 1996.
Essex has some great places to ride, drive and spend time in the country.
How We Met
Wendy and I met at Doncaster race course during a custome car show in 1991,
it was love at first sight.
Brian and I had driven up from Ilford to meet with our good friends Martin, Chrissy and Simon. Thats when it happened.
Last words
would like to thank Wendy as without her love and support I would not
be able to spend so much time playing with stuff. I would also like to
thank my mates and family who encourage me to do stuff as I encourage
them, some of it unwisley and some of it because it looked like fun at
the time, but always with a sence of comoradery and some stupidity.
What more could a bloke want from life.
I would also like to thank RamblingSoul.com for the web help and beer for the inspiration.